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The Greenport Rotary Club
…… Service Above Self.
Over the last seven years, our Club has been focused on the resurrection and restoration of the Greenport Express miniature train. And now it’s done! We had our Grand Opening last summer on June 29. In addition, we sponsored our first ever Halloween Celebration as family and friends took part in the scariest miniature train ride ever through Moor’s woods. Over 1,500 spooks and goblins and their parents rode the train through the woods to see firsthand what really goes on deep in the forest on Halloween night. Needless to say, it was a sight to behold!
The Greenport Express has been a huge project and it all began as the vision of Joe Cherepowich, a long time member of the Greenport Rotary Club. After Joe’s passing in 2020, Rich Israel stepped forward and assumed the lead role in making Joe’s dream come true. And now it has.
In the end, Rich Israel and the Greenport Rotary Club raised an eye-popping $800,00 in cash donations plus another $350,000 in goods and services to bring the Greenport Express to completion.
Please go to the Village of Greenport website for the times and days of operation and the ticket price. Please know that only debit and credit cards are accepted. We do not take cash or checks.
Please come join us on Tuesdays at the Hellenic Snack Bar at 7:45 AM for breakfast and see what we do. We are People of Action so prepare to be amazed!
Learn more about the Greenport Rotary and how we support our community.
To Ride The Train

WHERE: Board the train at the Israel Family Rail Station located in Greenport on the west side of Moore’s Lane next to the Skate Park. Parking is available adjacent to the Train Station.
WHEN: Check the Village website.
TICKETS: Purchase your tickets at the train station using your credit or debit card. Neither cash nor checks are accepted
Thank You!
Since 2017, the Rotary Club of Greenport has raised more than $1,150,000 through donations of cash, goods, and services to restore the Greenport Express miniature train on Moore’s Lane. We have constructed and laid 1,500 feet of 16 ga. track, built a first class 2,200 square foot train station, and completely overhauled the train and its three cars so young and old can once again enjoy what Frank Field started back in 1985.
The members of the Greenport Rotary Club wish to express their deepest appreciation to everyone who donated their time, money, effort and resources in bringing this project to fruition. Already, it has become a major addition to our Village and will provide countless hours of joy and excitement to our children and grandchildren for many years to come.